All Posts by Lauren


About the Author

Lauren Clemett is the Best Selling Author of the “SELLING YOU” series of practical guidebooks Know Me, Like Me & Trust Me. She is a personal branding specialist and award winning Neurobrander, helping service providers and consultants generate more income from their expertise. For more information Click Here.

Jun 16

Do What You Do Best

By Lauren | Brain food , Insight

Do you currently do what you do best?
Ironic I know, but you might think you have nothing to teach's probably because you have forgotten just how much you know!
If you've been doing what you do for 5 years or more, chances are you do plenty on autopilot, you get it done without even thinking about it!
It's all part of the learning process:
Whenever you learn something new you begin with Unconscious Incompetence - you don't know what you don't know, you are just excited because it's all new.

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Jun 02

The Entrepreneurial Brain

By Lauren | Brain food , Insight

The Entrepreneurial Brain is amazing, with it you have overcome the fear of failure and decided to start your own business, telling that "itty-bitty-shitty-committee' in your head to be quiet and let you just get on with it.

Trouble is, now that you have the superhuman power to be in control of the fear centre in your own brain, you are also incredibly wide open to opportunity.

Having a tsunami style flood of ideas on the go is typical of the entrepreneur, an effect otherwise known as 'bright-shiny-object-itis'.

It's a powerful thing to have all these great ideas, however it can lead to having called FOMO - the fear of missing out. when you suffer FOMO, you try to be everything to everyone, stopping you from standing out as different.

Of course standing out from the crowd will always help you attract more of your perfect prospects and the first step is to decide what you want to stand for.
Most brands have something they are known for - Nike is action, Apple is Imagination, Cadbury is a luxury treat, Volvo is safe...

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Apr 13

Lets Target Gays

By Lauren | Core Message , Marketing

What do you say when somebody asks your opinion about targeting the gay market?
Recently a personal travel consultant asked for my advice about a great idea she had.
She told me she'd like to go after the gay market because they had discretionary income for travel.
Although I thought that was a bit generic, I agreed with her idea because most gay people I know are DINKies - Double Income No Kids, meaning they potentially have more money to spend on things like travel. She might have a point.
So then I asked her how many travel tours for gay people she had managed before.

None she said.

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Apr 06

++ Just Do It ++

By Lauren | Brain food , Insight

When it comes to goals... you need to Just Do It!
So here we are...the first quarter of 2015 is over and a nice 4 days off for those who celebrate Easter...what did you plan to be doing at this stage? Did you write goals in the New Year that are now buried under paperwork or gathering dust somewhere?

Do any of your goals scare you?
Do they push you outside your comfort zone?
Are they the type of goals that make you sweat at night and wake up gasping with your brain screaming at you "How are you going to do all that!!!???".
Are your goals motivating you enough?

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Mar 18

The 3 Biggest Problems When Selling Services

By Lauren | Core Message , Marketing

When service providers and consultants discover I'm a Personal Brand Marketing Specialist, they immediately tell me the 3 biggest problems when selling their services they would like help solving are:

  • I can't easily explain what I do
  • I don't know who my ideal prospect is
  • I don't really know my niche - I can help everyone!

The interesting thing is that I see branding take a back seat to marketing on a regular basis in business, especially with service providers, who are "selling the invisible". As a result they really struggle to know how to explain why someone should choose them.

Once you have a personal brand, the marketing becomes easy. You know exactly who you are targeting, what message you want them to engage with and exactly how to explain the transformation that takes place when they use your services.

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Feb 23

What Do I Put On My Website???

By Lauren | Insight

Each media channel is different.
In radio you have just 15 or 30 seconds to get your message across using only words and sound to communicate.
A billboard is a set size to fit images and content that someone can read as they drive past doing 100kms.
TV is exceptional in that it communicates with both the eyes and the ears, with moving images, although you still only get 15, 30 or 60 seconds to get your message across.
Print media is divided up into column inches and costs more the more space you use and you only get to use written words and pictures to communicate.

But What Do I Put On My Website?...

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Feb 16

Is Your Business Following The New Wave Of Marketing?

By Lauren | Brandworking , Marketing

The new wave of marketing strategy is not new, however it does seem to be taking off in the small to medium sized business arena, especially amongst service providers who exchange their time for money.

WOFTAM marketing firmly puts branding in the back seat, enabling businesses to make spur of the moment decisions with quickly implemented tactical offers and promotions.

Many businesses following this strategy state that POF is the main driver behind adopting the WOFTAM strategy.

Struggling with the lingo? - Check out the glossary below....

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Jan 20

Is There A Hidden Message In Your Brand?

By Lauren | Brand Magnet , Marketing

In the study of Neurobranding it has been enlightening to undercover how our brain subconsciously deals with the 5000 branded messages it is hit with every day.
Given there are so many messages, it's not surprising that we miss many of these messages on a conscious level, but they do get through to our subconscious brain, and form attitudes and beliefs we are not even aware of.
That's why consistency and repetitiveness is so vital for a stand out brand.

Is there a hidden message in your brand that targets
that subconscious level?

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Dec 31

New Year….New You?

By Lauren | Insight

New Years resolutions traditionally include better diet, increased exercise and quitting bad habits, but it could be the perfect time to launch a totally new persona.

A new wave of entrepreneurs are emerging who are packaging themselves into a personal brand and it’s literally turning heads.

It's a massive global trend that is changing the way services providers and consultants market themselves locally.

Personal branding is a term that’s been around for a while in corporate business but we are only just beginning to see it being used by entrepreneurs and business owners.
Are you ready for a New Year...New You?

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Dec 27

Beware Holiday Brain

By Lauren | Brain food , Insight

As your business takes a break for the holidays, your brain may be doing the same thing, with potentially disastrous results. When you are flat-out, running a business, your brain is focused on making clear decisions - Beware Holiday Brain!
During a holiday break the brain relaxes and becomes exposed to unfiltered creative opportunity that can distract and confuse future plans and divert momentum.

There is a unique difference between the normal brain and that of an entrepreneur and you may get caught up in the bright, exciting ideas you dream up this holiday season.
The normal brain has a safety device that protects against taking risks, where the entrepreneurial brain senses the fear but does it anyway.

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