Email Marketing Delivers The Most Return
By Lauren | Brandworking , Marketing
Social media marketing may be sexy but email marketing is likely to get you more bang for your buck.
Not only is email a more active channel, compared to social media, where your message is sent and responded to compared to something that sits there waiting to be clicked on, a recent report in Chief Marketer indicated that it’s a channel with the most economical conversions, where the average email marketing campaign raises $40 for every $1 spent.
In contrast to the eye-candy of moving images and sound broadcast on Facebook, Snapchat and Twitter, email has some limitations in the creativity department, but it can be more specifically personalised to your target audience than social media, making it better way to engage. Communicating with an audience using their name, geographic location at the best time of day for them to open your message, massively increases open and click through rates.
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