Category Archives for "Marketing"

Oct 12

The Sweet Success Of A Juicy Personal Brand

By Lauren | Branding , Insight , Marketing

Janine Allis, Steve Baxter and Glen Richards

Ask a successful entrepreneur how important having a strong personal brand is for their business, and you’ll get a range of responses; from absolutely essential, to complete avoidance.

I had the privilege of asking three powerhouses of entrepreneurship at the Gold Coast Business Week about their approach to personal branding in business and there are some vital, and interesting lessons in their answers…

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Jul 14

How to build your personal brand to rocket launch your business

By Lauren | Branding , Insight , Marketing

Moon Lander, Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum, Washington D.C

There are only 12 men who have stepped foot on the moon, including of course, one of the Worlds most well known personal brands, Neil Armstrong with his small step that was a giant leap for mankind.

As we celebrate 50 years since this incredible event, it reminds me that launching your personal brand, is the same as launching a rocket into space…

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Nov 23

The Fastest Way To Overcome Marketing Overwhelm

By Lauren | Core Message

Marketing overwhelm...Every twelve seconds your latest tweet gets old…Your Facebook page needs a post at least four times a day…Post a blog at least once a week…Go to at least one decent networking event this month…Update your headshot on Linked-In every six months…And are you on Instagram and SnapChat yet???


Marketing is exhausting!

The pressure to keep up with everything you ‘should’ be doing to promote your business is ridiculous.

But there is a simple solution...

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Sep 16

Why You Shouldn’t Use Your Name To Brand Your Business

By Lauren | Core Message , Marketing

You might think that using your own name to brand your business is a no brainer.

Although it appears to be a simple solution, in the long term, using your own name is a much more difficult way to create a meaningful brand.

What about Lorna Jane, Donald Trump, Pete Evans or Coco Channel, I hear you say?

Of course it has been done and there are well known 'name based' brands, but what may seem an easy way out at first, could create a rod for your own back.

You see, the human brain ‘sees’ brands with emotion and attaches these to a memory in order to recognise and recall a brand when the need arises.

When you use your name as your brand name, any emotional connection is based on your personal behaviour rather than on a meaningful brand story.

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Sep 12

The 3 Simple Steps To A Stand Out Brand

By Lauren | Core Message , Marketing

In this disruptive and distracting World, it's vital that your personal brand stands out in order for your ideal prospects not only to see you, but to have a real reason to choose you.

You can make yourself visible using social media, speaking at events, running webinars or workshops and of course writing a book. These tactics are all important, but in order to really stand out, and to do it confidently and consistently, your personal brand needs to have a rock solid foundation.

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Jul 25

Email Marketing Delivers The Most Return

By Lauren | Brandworking , Marketing

Social media marketing may be sexy but email marketing is likely to get you more bang for your buck.

Not only is email a more active channel, compared to social media, where your message is sent and responded to compared to something that sits there waiting to be clicked on, a recent report in Chief Marketer indicated that it’s a channel with the most economical conversions, where the average email marketing campaign raises $40 for every $1 spent.

In contrast to the eye-candy of moving images and sound broadcast on Facebook, Snapchat and Twitter, email has some limitations in the creativity department, but it can be more specifically personalised to your target audience than social media, making it better way to engage. Communicating with an audience using their name, geographic location at the best time of day for them to open your message, massively increases open and click through rates.

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Jul 18

Are You Selling Yourself Short

By Lauren | Core Message , Marketing

The fear of rejection could be stopping you from asking the all-important questions that may convert a positive prospect into a raving fan client.

However you really shouldn't worry about it, because hardly anyone actually ever says the word “No”...humans are far too polite for that!

They say No using excuses...I don't have the time, I haven't got the money, I can do it myself, I'll just leave it for now...

Your personal brand is not about what you know, it's about how much you know about your ideal client and how to ask the right questions to overcome barriers.

Read more in my latest article in Sales Mastery Magazine - Click the image below: 

Jun 30

Business Book Backfire

By Lauren | Brand Magnet , Marketing

A recent examination of Amazons catalogue indicated there are over 1.8 million business books available, with 22,161 new books added just in the last 90 days.

But how many of them get read?

According to Amazon 2015 sales data, on average 37 business books are sold each day. But they lag far behind the massive fiction book sales (634 sales per day) and rank 8th in non-fiction sales, well behind teen & young adult, religion & spirituality, children’s books and biographies.

CLick image to view larger size

Of course business books are not always written to be sold. Many are used to provide profile for the author, to add credibility to their credentials.

The e-book has become the modern day business card, and it definitely helps to launch a personal brand when you have a book to your name. It’s just that not all business books are created equal, probably because it’s just a bit too easy to produce one.
So why do so many business books never see the light of day?

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Jun 20

Content Marketing Gets Real

By Lauren | Brandworking , Marketing

Gary Vaynerchuk once suggested every company needs to become a media company, creating valuable content customers can enjoy and interact with.

And he’d be right.

A recent Vanderbilt University study found that people had more positive reactions to advertisements that were told as stories than those who used facts and arguments.

Which is why native advertising such as sponsored ads, promoted posts, advertorial style or product placements have begun to take over from standard advertising tactics.

So why does storytelling resonate so much better with consumers brains than facts?

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