Category Archives for "Insight"

Oct 12

The Sweet Success Of A Juicy Personal Brand

By Lauren | Branding , Insight , Marketing

Janine Allis, Steve Baxter and Glen Richards

Ask a successful entrepreneur how important having a strong personal brand is for their business, and you’ll get a range of responses; from absolutely essential, to complete avoidance.

I had the privilege of asking three powerhouses of entrepreneurship at the Gold Coast Business Week about their approach to personal branding in business and there are some vital, and interesting lessons in their answers…

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Jul 14

How to build your personal brand to rocket launch your business

By Lauren | Branding , Insight , Marketing

Moon Lander, Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum, Washington D.C

There are only 12 men who have stepped foot on the moon, including of course, one of the Worlds most well known personal brands, Neil Armstrong with his small step that was a giant leap for mankind.

As we celebrate 50 years since this incredible event, it reminds me that launching your personal brand, is the same as launching a rocket into space…

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Mar 04

10 Free Personal Brand Building Tools

By Lauren | Personal Branding

Top Ten Personal Brand Tools

Building a personal brand takes time.

Fact is, it’s going to take 3 years consistent effort before your brand really takes off with constant media interviews and event managers asking you to speak.

Building a personal brand requires tenacity and dedication (along with a touch of insanity) to become a stand-out, in demand brand.

First you’re going to have to choose the #1 thing you want to become well known, well paid and wanted for to gain the clarity of purpose with a set direction, otherwise you’ll get distracted and overwhelmed.

Once you’ve done that, you will need to be really active if you want to rocket launch you, your brand and your business and you’ll need to have some useful tools to help you grow your brand and to track and measure your progress.

Here are 10 FREE Personal Branding tools to help you stand out and really get your brand out there...

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Jan 16

Personal Branding Boosters

By Lauren | Personal Branding

If you really want to rise above your competition and stand-out, you are going to have to rocket launch the level of trust people have in you.

People buy services based on their confidence in your ability to deliver what you say you can do, and they need evidence.

Trust is a funny thing though.

Arthur Ashe, triple Grand Slam Title winner once said, “Trust has to be earned, and should come only after the passage of time”.

But what if you don’t have time?

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Dec 29

Personal Branding Legacies From Celebrities We Loved And Lost

By Lauren | Personal Branding

2016 has taken some real talent from the planet, but they have left lessons we can learn from to enhance our own personal brand.

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Dec 23

3 Personal Branding Predictions For 2017

By Lauren | Personal Branding

Personal Branding Predictions

Personal branding, once a bit of a buzzword for clever marketing companies, is coming of age as entrepreneurs at all levels become aware that they need a brand to communicate all of their areas of expertise and knowledge.

In 2016 social media channels made it even easier to connect with huge growth in 'live' and instant engagement, capturing raw content and seamlessly embedding it into native advertising.

So where can your personal brand propel you to in the coming year ahead?

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Nov 17

Branding Trumps Clinton

By Lauren | Insight , Personal Branding

Across the Globe many have been shocked at the election of Donald Trump.

Most have asked “How did he do it?”

Amongst the many answers offered by political pundits (and I am most certainly not one of those), including the suggestion of a Worldwide backlash against ‘the system of government’ there is another factor at work which I believe created the massive groundswell behind Trump.

Of course, it’s, branding.

And Donald Trump got it right, from the very start...

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Sep 26

The Secret Science Of Networking

By Lauren | Insight , Personal Branding

Exchanging business cards at conference

Networking is one of the most popular ways to promote you and your business but if you don’t understand the science behind it, you could be wasting your time.

In fact, if you don't know how the human brain works to block out anything that even remotely sounds like a sales pitch, you might as well give up networking and stay home.

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Jul 18

Sex On The Brain

By Lauren | Brain food , Insight , Personal Branding

It has long been suggested that men and women have different brains, but a recent study of over 1,400 brain scans reveals there really isn't such a thing as a distinctly male or female brain.

In fact, brains are visually the same and it’s impossible to tell the difference between a male and female brain from an MRI scan. But we do know that men and women use their cerebrum differently, especially when it comes to communication.

If you are a business, life or sports coach or mentor here is my latest article in Coaching Life Magazine, with some interesting insight from elite athletes and coaches along with tips on how to best coach the female and male brain.

Click on the image below to read more:

Jul 15

How Sweet Is Your Personal Brand?

By Lauren | Brain food , Insight , Personal Branding

One of the special treats we experienced while in Chiang Mai was afternoon tea at Dhara Dhevi, a luxury resort set in 60 acres with architecture based on the historic Lanna Kingdom and some of the world's most beautiful accommodation.

For all appearances it looks authentically Thai with peaked roofs, teak panels and a traditional Wat and gardens We felt like we were stepping back in time, exploring a beautifully restored ancient venue with an historic past. It was actually built in 2009, highlighting the fact that appearances can be deceiving and when it comes to branding it’s all about how you make people feel.

The Dhara Dhevi Macaroons are famous in Chiang Mai and you can buy them in a number of shops around the city, but to really experience this brand you need to go there and immerse yourself in the experience of a high tea.

Of course there were personal branding lessons aplenty at Dhara Dhevi

Here are some delectable Personal Branding treats to help you sweeten up your brand and become irresistible to your ideal prospects:

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