Sex On The Brain

By Lauren | Brain food

Jul 18

It has long been suggested that men and women have different brains, but a recent study of over 1,400 brain scans reveals there really isn't such a thing as a distinctly male or female brain.

In fact, brains are visually the same and it’s impossible to tell the difference between a male and female brain from an MRI scan. But we do know that men and women use their cerebrum differently, especially when it comes to communication.

If you are a business, life or sports coach or mentor here is my latest article in Coaching Life Magazine, with some interesting insight from elite athletes and coaches along with tips on how to best coach the female and male brain.

Click on the image below to read more:


About the Author

Lauren Clemett is the Best Selling Author of the “SELLING YOU” series of practical guidebooks Know Me, Like Me & Trust Me. She is a personal branding specialist and award winning Neurobrander, helping service providers and consultants generate more income from their expertise. For more information Click Here.
