All Posts by Lauren


About the Author

Lauren Clemett is the Best Selling Author of the “SELLING YOU” series of practical guidebooks Know Me, Like Me & Trust Me. She is a personal branding specialist and award winning Neurobrander, helping service providers and consultants generate more income from their expertise. For more information Click Here.

Nov 30

Does Your Brand Stand Out?

By Lauren | Insight , Personal Branding

Consumers see 3000 messages each day, that's about 4 a minute... How on earth is your message going to cut through that and get noticed?

When it comes to marketing, most businesses are going around in circles, with no direction. That's because brand often takes a backseat to marketing. Most entrepreneurs have an amazing product or service they are trying to promote and it doesn't get noticed, because they don't have a unique brand position.

The trouble with flying in circles, is that eventually the fuel tank will be empty, there will be no money left to keep going and you will crash and burn. Your incredible solution to someones problem will never take off.

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Nov 06

What Do I Post On Facebook Or LinkedIn?

By Lauren | Marketing , Social Media

So you’ve got a Facebook Fan Page or a Linked In Company to start getting some content in there…

What do you post?

We’ll if it’s Friday, you could post a TGIF image, or there’s that cartoon your BFF sent you that really cracked you up, surely people will love that?... then there’s that industry report that has some great stats people would find interesting, wouldn’t they?...And I need to tell everyone about my special offer too...

One of the most important factors to knowing what will work on social media is knowing your target audience and knowing them so well that you post information they will resonate with, react to and interact with.

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Nov 05

Got A Great Money Making Idea?

By Lauren | Insight , News

So excited and honoured to be a part of the Start-Up Gold Coast weekend. 15-17 Nov.
I'm a mentor at the event, helping attendees with their brand development. Very cool!

If you have a great money making idea and want to develop it and get funding, find partners, build a business with it etc, you should definitely register to take part in this.

If you love new technology and innovation, come along on the Friday night to hear the pitches or on the Sunday night to hear the winners - Just $20.

Here is the link:


Oct 17

What’s In A Brand Name?

By Lauren | Brain food , Insight , Personal Branding

Years ago businesses chose a brand name that started with A, or AA or even AAA in order to be at the top of the telephone directory listing.

Fast forward to the internet age and recently a company called "Reputation Changer" paid 6 figures for the domain name '' in order to 'own a patch' of online real estate in the same way.

How important it really is to have a brand name that works for search purposes?

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