#whatweretheythinking Five Prime Ministers In Five Years?
By Lauren | #whatweretheythinking , Insight , Personal Branding

Five Prime Ministers in five years? It’s not a looking good for the Australian political brand.
First let's consider what all the flip-flopping is doing to the perception of Australia on an international level.
We are starting to resemble Japan during its tumultuous six-prime-minister period between 2006 and 2012 and look what happened to them. The economic bubble burst with flat line growth for the past 30 years. In that time they’ve had 15 different Prime Ministers and it doesn’t look like it’s going to improve anytime soon. The political brand there is of ‘puppet politicians’ simply managing the country without any reform or reinvention.
How does Australia’s political brand compare with the powerhouse leader of the world, the President of the USA?
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