Tag Archives for " Jim Rohn "

Jun 30

Business Book Backfire

By Lauren | Brand Magnet , Marketing

A recent examination of Amazons catalogue indicated there are over 1.8 million business books available, with 22,161 new books added just in the last 90 days.

But how many of them get read?

According to Amazon 2015 sales data, on average 37 business books are sold each day. But they lag far behind the massive fiction book sales (634 sales per day) and rank 8th in non-fiction sales, well behind teen & young adult, religion & spirituality, children’s books and biographies.

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Of course business books are not always written to be sold. Many are used to provide profile for the author, to add credibility to their credentials.

The e-book has become the modern day business card, and it definitely helps to launch a personal brand when you have a book to your name. It’s just that not all business books are created equal, probably because it’s just a bit too easy to produce one.
So why do so many business books never see the light of day?

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