If you are a service provider you probably spend the majority of your time putting out fires and managing tasks. There is almost zero time left to prospect for new business. Wouldn't it be easier to simply become totally attractive to the best possible prospects?
Here are three things you can do today, to make you and your services more attractive to ideal prospects so they come looking for you.
1) Be clear about who you are, what you do, who you help and why.
The 'Lizard Brain' inside every consumers head is constantly sifting through and sorting all the information being thrown at it. It is a safety mechanism that stops us from being overloaded. If you are not clear about who you are and how what you do helps people, the prospects brain will simply filter you and your marketing messages out. The saying is "A confused Mind Never Buys". Keep it simple! Be focused and clear about your personal brand.
2) Put yourself in the shoes of your ideal client.
By really knowing exactly who it is that you help, you can more clearly understand their needs and more importantly when they are most likely to want what you have. You can empathise and connect better. Being focused on one niche audience will enable you to easily the right images and words to use in your promotion and marketing that will capture attention and engage the hearts and minds of those most likely to want to work with you.
3) Be consistent. Always!
Most business owners are running in all directions with their brand and marketing. Finding one focus enables you to present a consistent and secure brand promise people can trust in. Everything you do needs to follow one theme and to constantly stand for one purpose. This increases your 'trust currency' and consumers love to feel comfortable, so make sure they have immediate trust in you because you are familiar to them.
Take some time today to work on your focus:
- Who you are, what you do, how you do it.
- Who you help, what they need and want right now.
- What you stand for, what you do consistently that can be your brand promise.
Once you have done this, marketing and promoting you and your business becomes less time consuming and much more effective.
Find your Focus, then go for it!
Lauren Clemett is a personal branding specialist and best selling author. Her new series of practical guidebooks called SELLING YOU are now available. There are 3 books in the series that cover all aspects of building a strong personal brand. They are Know Me, Like Me & Trust me and can be found on Amazon.