Tag Archives for " web gurus "

Jan 30

Who Else Wants A Piece Of Me???

By Lauren | Brain food , Insight

Ever get frustrated at the time wasting 'stuff' you have to do and the eternal interruptions that are stopping you from getting on and completing those the half finished tasks growing longer on your To Do list ...?

As a consultant, some days it feels like everyone just wants a piece of you and there is nothing left for you. You can get so focused on what other people need that you loose sense of why you are even doing what you do. Wouldn't it be great to get out of the daily grind, become really productive and achieve more in less time?

Here's some tips I have learned from a fantastic book I recently read called "The One Thing" by Gary Keller. I am not affiliated with this book, I just loved it's simple message and fresh approach to the "time v money" conundrum we all suffer from in a service based business. You can find it on Amazon.

Here are the 4 steps:

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