Tag Archives for " blogging "

Aug 26


By Lauren | Brandworking , Marketing

Confused with all the tech terms, jargon and mumbo-jumbo when it comes to Web Marketing?
Here's a simple analogy that can help you better understand what on earth all those "InterWeb" geeks are talking about...

Web Hosting: like an empty room on a server, you can fill the room with your images, video, content, links, lead captures, downloads, contact forms...

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Nov 06

What Do I Post On Facebook Or LinkedIn?

By Lauren | Marketing , Social Media

So you’ve got a Facebook Fan Page or a Linked In Company Profile...now to start getting some content in there…

What do you post?

We’ll if it’s Friday, you could post a TGIF image, or there’s that cartoon your BFF sent you that really cracked you up, surely people will love that?... then there’s that industry report that has some great stats people would find interesting, wouldn’t they?...And I need to tell everyone about my special offer too...

One of the most important factors to knowing what will work on social media is knowing your target audience and knowing them so well that you post information they will resonate with, react to and interact with.

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